Build A Bridge


Plastic eggs, newspaper sheets, permanent marker, SOLO® cups, string, and pebbles 


Ask the kids to pair up. 
Give each pair newspaper, string, an egg, a “God” cup and a “Me” cup. 
Instruct the teams to lay their egg on the floor. 
Guide them to place the “God” cup on one side of the egg and the “Me” cup on the other side of the egg. 
Challenge the teams to build a sturdy bridge between the cups, over the egg, with the supplies provided.
Teams can adjust the placement of the cups if needed. 
Let the kids know that you will test the strength of their bridges in a few minutes. 
Test the bridges by adding pebbles, one at a time, until the bridge collapses and hits the egg. 
The bridge that holds the most pebbles before collapsing, wins. 
NOTE: Rolled up newspaper tied with string and laid across the two cups makes the sturdiest bridge. 

To Discuss

“Building a sturdy bridge is hard work! You guys did a great job. You built a bridge between the ‘God’ cup and the ‘Me’ cup because there was distance between them. Our sin separates us from God, putting distance between Him and us. When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the price for our sin. He made a bridge between us and God. His death means that our sins are paid for and we can have a close relationship with God that will last forever. This is how God made peace with us!”