
Deborah was a strong incredible lady who led God's people to victory.

Additional Video Resources

God's Story: Deborah

Bible Verse - Song

Everybody Praise, Worship With Motions


Make a Shield

Print one shield per child.
Socks made into balls

In Action
Each child decorate their shield, then glue/tape to cardboard. Prepare a gauntlet for children to venture through without getting hit. Try tossing wadded socks at them while they try to reach an objective. Talk about shields, are you more protected with one or without? Why do you think Barak wanted Deborah to go to war with him? How could you trust God when you are scared?

Make a Worship Poem/Song

Something to write with

In Action
Deborah and Barak praised the Lord after “their” victory. They made up a song. Make up a song or poem of praise to God.
Think of a Topic

Divide a piece of paper into two equal parts and label them:
1. Cool things about God
2. Things for which you are thankful
Then, think of topics you might want to write about for each heading.  Challenge yourself to write 3-4 ideas for each heading.
Choose Words Carefully

Before you start writing, make a list of words that describe your topic. If you choose to write a rhyming song/poem, find words that rhyme with your list.
Write Your Poem

Use your list of words to begin writing. Start with a statement or a question about your topic. Use comparisons to give your reader a picture in their mind. Be creative!
Use Line Breaks Deliberately

Line breaks let the reader know when to pause.  Line breaks also give rhythm to your song/poem and contribute to its meaning.

A writer is never done after the first draft!  Read over your song/poem and take out words or phrases that don’t fit. Can you add more descriptions? Do the line breaks make sense? After you make some changes, reread your poem out loud again. Does it sound complete?

QUESTIONS and video submissions