Palm Sunday

Psalms 100:1-2

Jesus and His disciples traveled to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, people placed their robes and palm branches along the road before Jesus. They shouted out, “Hosanna!” Hosanna means “save now!” People welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their King.


Additional Video Resources

God's Story The Bible

Bible Verse - Song

Hosanna - Song for all ages


Rock Hunt – Luke 19:40

In Action
Hunt for rocks.
Take a walk outside if weather permits. Lead children to look for rocks on their nature walk. Remind children that Jesus said if people did not praise Him, the rocks would cry out. Allow children to choose a rock to bring back inside.

The religious leaders did not like that people welcomed Jesus as their King. They thought people should not praise Jesus. They did not believe Jesus is God’s Son, but they were wrong. Jesus came riding on a donkey, just as the prophet Zechariah said He would. One day, Jesus will come back, riding on a white horse as King over everything. If time allows, make rock people by decorating your rocks.

Response Rotation

Plain paper or a notebook

In Action
Storytelling stations Set up three stations for kids to practice sharing the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry. At the first station, provide paper and markers for kids to draw pictures of what they would see in this story. At the second station, provide notebooks and pencils for kids to write a few sentences to tell the story. At the third station, set up a chair for a one child to sit in. Kids could tell or dramatize parts of the story to the family. Either rotate as one unit or guide all to rotate through the stations, spending a few minutes at each station, supervised by an older sibling. Provide Bible for kids to review Matthew 21:1-17.

Traveling to faraway places to share the good news about Jesus is not always easy, but missionaries who obey God’s call to go and tell the nations about Jesus want everyone to hear and believe the good news. We too can share the good news about Jesus with people wherever we are. God can use us for His glory in our neighborhoods, in cities across the country, and in countries around the world!

QUESTIONS and video submissions