Hannah and Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13

Happy Mother's Day! Though today's story emphasizes prayer, it also touches on a godly mom, Hannah. We can learn to wait on God and sacrifice, through her incredible example. Thank you, moms, for ALL your sacrifice.

Additional Video Resources

God's Story: Prayer

Bible Verse - Song

Jesus Makes the Impossible, Possible


Create a Mother’s Day Rock Photo Holder

In Action
Find a rock, about the size of your fist, paint and a wire.
If you have the opportunity to prepare ahead of time, paint rocks white and allow to dry.

Fill in the blank PDF for Mom

Download and Print: Mom's questionnaire

God Answers Prayer Snack Time

Download and Print: Bag's Label Pattern

Cut out the yes, no, and wait squares and place them in the bag. (maybe a few extra for larger families)

In Action

1. Tell your family that God hears our prayers, but He does not always answer them in the way we want. Sometimes He says “yes,” sometimes “no,” and sometimes “wait.” Explain that each one will get a snack, but they may have to ask several times.

2. Give each child a chance to ask, “May I have a snack?” The child then picks one of the folded pieces of paper from inside the bag and reads it. If it says, “yes”, the child picks a snack. If the paper says, “no”, the child has to wait to try again after everyone has taken a turn. If the paper says, “wait”, the child must to wait until the next child gets a snack, and then she can get hers. Keep playing until all children obtain a snack.

3. Ask the children why God might say no when we ask. Explain that sometimes God may have something else in mind for us. God may say no, because He knows what we are asking for may not be best. We may not understand, but we can trust Him.

QUESTIONS and video submissions