
1 Timothy 4:12
David spent time wisely as a youngster, so much so, that God chose him to lead a nation. Encourage your children to utilize their youth to serve God and wait to see what He will do.

Additional Video Resources

God's Story: David

Bible Verse - Song

The King - Worship


Red Light, Green Light

At least 2 people

Talk about it.
This activity is an experiential tool by challenging your child through these questions:

What makes Red Light Green easy?
What makes the “rules” hard to follow?
If you were explaining this game to a friend what is the secret to win?
How is the life of a kid (you) like a “red” light?
What are green lights you should be doing this week?

David's Stones

Download and Print:
David’s Stone Colors Worksheet
and Booklet Pattern
An envelope

In Action
Have your children color the booklet, stones and an envelope.
Show them how to match the colors to the correct stone.
Help them color the stones on the booklet the correct color.
Cut apart the booklet and staple it together.
The children can keep the booklet and the stones in the envelope and use it whenever they are feeling scared.
Like during the storm we had last week.

QUESTIONS and video submissions