Common Questions About The Online Portal

How do I get started?

If it is your first visit to the portal a New Here button will pop up in the upper right hand corner of the page. Click it for a quick explanation of the page. 

What do I do if my connection isn't working?

Refresh the page. Click the refresh icon at the top of your screen. You may need to do this several times. If there is a System Outage due to high traffic we will let you know.

If there is a system outage where can I watch?

If the Online portal has a system outage. You can watch the services (without chat) here:

My audio is not working.

Check that your audio is not muted. The mute volume icon should be next to the refresh icon in your search bar. 

How do I give online?

Click the Online Giving link at the top or bottom of the screen.

How do I share this link?

Click the share icon’s at the bottom left of the page to share on facebook, twitter or via email. We highly encourage inviting family and friends near and far.

When will the service rebroadcast?

The Schedule Tab lists all the times the service will rebroadcast throughout the week. 

Is closed captioning available?

We have Live Transcription during services. Rebroadcasts of the service will have closed captioning by Monday afternoon. Click the transcription button.

Is there a Connection Card?

Register your presence with us online by clicking Connection Card located at the top of the page.

If I don’t have time to watch the rebroadcast, what are my options?

The On-Demand Services link at the bottom of the page will take you to our Vimeo channel with past services listed by date.

I have a personal prayer request.

During live services you can pray with one of our elders by clicking the Live Prayer button. During rebroadcasts you can send an email requesting prayer by clicking the Request Prayer button. If you are on a mobile device the live prayer button can be found by clicking the tab next to the chat tab. During rebroadcasts you can use the menu and select Request Prayer.

Can I participate in communion?

Yes. You can use juice and bread from home. To request a pre-filled Communion packet click contact us.

How do I share services with friends on my phone?

Mobile devices can share through the Calendar Tab. Click Invite on the service you want to share to send an email.

I have a question.

Please click on the Contact Us button to submit your question.